Fishing and processing on a freezing trawler. documentary about fishing and processing fish on board a freezing trawler in iceland. fishing cod, haddock, red fish and pollock. shown is the. Fish is a highly perishable food which needs proper handling and preservation if it is to have a long shelf life and retain a desirable quality and nutritional value. the central concern of fish processing is to prevent fish from deteriorating.. A factory ship, also known as a fish processing vessel, is a large ocean-going vessel with extensive on-board facilities for processing and freezing caught fish. according to the fao, there are about 38,400 vessels greater than 100 tons in the world's factory fishing fleet..
This way, more fish can be caught and processed than if every boat did both the catching as well as the processing of fish. there are some boats that do both harvesting and processing although this is slightly less common. harvesting is the act of catching the fish while processing is the method by which the fish are cleaned, gutted and frozen.. Learn how fish is processed in this short video.. Accidents with fish processing equipment processing fish at sea and aboard ships is a standard part of the commercial fishing industry. any job in commercial fishing is dangerous for workers..